Transfer corn to a shallow 2-quart casserole, spreading evenly.
You can even bake it in a shallow casserole with crumbs on top and turn it into a gratin.
A heavy skillet or shallow casserole that goes on top of the stove works equally well for the meatballs.
It does not need special equipment (a shallow casserole works as well as a metal paella pan).
Use one tablespoon of oil to coat a large, shallow casserole.
Transfer to 9-by-12-inch greased, shallow casserole, and cover with foil.
Heat oil in a large, heavy skillet or shallow heat-proof casserole.
Spoon the lobster mixture into a large, shallow oval casserole.
Place in a shallow casserole or glass ovenproof dish.
Pour the water into a large nonreactive skillet or shallow casserole.