There was a shallow cavity in the earth directly beneath the second hole, a cavity scooped out by another exploding mortar round.
Another attempt used ground-penetrating microwave radio signals, a form of radar, which are usually sensitive to shallow underground cavities.
Special speakers have been designed to accommodate even very shallow cavities, otherwise normal masking speakers can be used there.
They excavate a shallow cavity that penetrates the inner bark to the cambium surface of the wood.
The Frontoniina typically have a shallow oral cavity, with a long paroral membrane and denser somatic kineties to the right of the mouth.
They carve a shallow cavity in the ground for resting.
Soon a broad, shallow cavity was being excavated.
With a cavity too shallow for major storage and a seat too hard for servious sitting, it seems intended more for visual pleasure than use.
A female's egg sac is placed in a shallow cavity on the surface of a log.
It was a book not much smaller than the shallow cavity.