Dinah was taking air in shallow sips, her chest barely rising and falling beneath the strap which cinched the tablecloth pad tight over her wound.
The coffee was too hot for more than a shallow sip, and after one I put it on the corner of my desk where I could reach it when it cooled.
After a moment, the crippled member turned on his axle and took some shallow sips.
It was becoming a conscious effort now, and if he stopped thinking about it for a few minutes, he found himself inspiring shallow, meaningless little sips of air that scarcely moved his diaphragm.
Ayla looked down at the cup in her hands, swirled the last of the tea around with the dregs of the leaves, and took a shallow sip.
He took a few shallow sips and coughed.
He drew his breath in shallow, painful sips.
Gritting her teeth and breathing in shallow sips in vortices of momentary calm caused by the jutting brickwork, she followed Diamandis around Buridan Tower's long curve.
You know,' Sammy Sal said, ausing before a first shallow sip, 'you shouldn't have this kind of problem.
"Uh, look," Zoey said, "I don't want to be fanatic about this..." The next contraction hit as I was holding it to her lips for a shallow sip.