At times, his course carried him along sandy shallow stretches that went straight across the creek.
Nick moved along through the shallow stretch watching the banks for deep holes.
Up there it looked like a trout stream, flowing swiftly with shallow stretches and pools under the shadow of the rocks.
The pool ended and he strode out into the shallow stretch of fast-running water below it.
There's a shallow stretch of water I can wade across.
I put on all my diving equipment and, in a shallow stretch of the sea, practised breathing through my regulator.
They chose the nearest one, a wide, shallow stretch that led to an open doorway.
But the night was hot enough, enly the shallow stretch of water on either side gave a kind of icing to the warmth.
The Solent is a comparatively shallow stretch of tidal water.
In Hektorović's time, there was a shallow stretch of seawater right up to the entrance, allowing access by boat.