It had been an easy task to remember only her shameful conduct, for the wound she had inflicted on him could not be forgotten.
By leaving Clinton alone onstage, his enemies forced Congress and the press to confront his shameful conduct.
He characterized the action by the officers as a "story of shameful conduct by a few" and contrasted that with good work by police.
A due sense of your shameful conduct to me as your father's guest might well suffice to banish sleep from your eyelids.
It is shameful conduct on a day of such happiness!
But we knew that this shameful conduct must be angering both Father and Mother.
It is true that your cousin, Champers-Haswell, has been proved guilty of some very shameful conduct.
"I must say something about my shameful conduct last night."
Braidwood stated "This tragic case is at its heart a story of shameful conduct by a few officers.
The poor old father grew very sad when he heard of the shameful conduct of his elder sons, and had them called before him.