The Gupta family conspire to cover up this shameful incident.
These individuals are primarily responsible for this shameful incident.
There will always be new shameful incidents, like the one last Tuesday.
There were many shameful incidents connected with these auctions, many tragic and occasionally one that was amusing.
During the post-game press conference, Brian Hill called the whole incident embarrassing and shameful.
In this show, he narrated some of the most shameful incidents involving African Americans since 1980.
Burns tried to blame the shameful incident on visitors but the police chief attributed the attacks to locals.
In these two shameful incidents, civilian authorities came as close to losing control over the city as they have at any time in the past 140 years.
The Behzti debacle from 2004 was one of the most shameful incidents in recent memory.
In his strong-worded reaction, he had termed the massacre as one of the most shameful incidents in independent India.""