They see with horror and alarm that enormous and shameless act of proscription.
Morgan lashed the decision, calling it "a shameless act of broadcasting cowardice and political subservience".
As soon as she meets him, she accuses him of this shameless act.
Or would not the truer way be to find out whether the Senator was capable of being entrapped into so shameless an act, and then try him?
The Muslims of the world will not leave this imprudent and shameless act without response.
"Such a shameless, inhuman and barbaric act committed by your side against fellow countrymen, even in an alien land, is a heinous crime," it said.
It was a shameless act of theft, which I assure you I never would have authorized except that you made it necessary.
Without knowing all this, when she reaches Vijay's home, she accuses him of this shameless act.
Nonetheless, China denounced the invasion as a "shameless act."
"If the commission were even to entertain such an idea, it would be a shameless act and a total abandonment of any sense of responsibility by them."