It's pretty simple: showing "good" Muslims on TV is apparently a sneaky trick to hide the "bad" Muslims from view - whereas showing the latter would now doubt mean shameless promotion of sharia and jihad!
Just doing a shameless promotion for my photoblog of Seoul.
As a shameless promotion for my new book (Link: Seth Godin - Liar's Blog) I'm promising to post your picture and your story here on my highly trafficked blog.
He was acquitted by a trial jury, but eventually thrown out of practice by the Chicago Medical Board for his lecture series on eugenics and shameless promotion of The Black Stork.
His shameless promotion of his productions, often at the expense of critics he baited through practical jokes and irrational public ravings, had always struck me as part of the essential romance of Broadway.
You won't find any cheesy shamrock schlock or shameless promotions here; no, this bar would rather concentrate on serving stiff drinks along with fantastic music.
Critics saw this as shameless promotion.
We recognize the technical creativity of the rock 'n' roll highlights, but the shameless promotion of "Mitch," who edited them, was insufferable.
Moore demanded that the tobacco companies rein in their shameless promotions aimed at hooking kids.
- Los Angeles, California - 5 days ago Such shameless promotion.