Television news programs, for example, now shamelessly promote movies, sports and other products of their parent corporations.
Networks long ago dropped any pretense of separating news from entertainment, shamelessly promoting their own sitcoms and news specials in a dizzying display of corporate synergy.
They promote shamelessly, pioneering the practice of calling Academy Awards voters to sway their votes.
She shamelessly promotes American values as the best in the world while criticizing cultures she knows nothing about.
The breakfast show gave Henry free licence to shamelessly promote his radio station.
And she shamelessly promoted her cookie recipe.
I'll take this opportunity to shamelessly promote some of our open positions.
He shamelessly promoted himself and his products throughout his career.
I am most looking forward this year to a trip down the River Dart, in the course of which I shall shamelessly promote my book of light verse.
Calls into to shamelessly promote his band, Dead for a Ducat.