"It was wrong of me to so shamelessly use Natasha in that way."
"But these are people who in the darkest days of the cold war were used shamelessly as vehicles for Soviet propaganda."
Shamelessly use him to pick up pretty women," Sampson said.
But with the attention has come the politics, including specious public opinion polls, used shamelessly to build support for one proposal or another.
The local population had not only been used shamelessly, they'd been kept illiterate and ignorant of their past.
But that didn't matter to Democrats, who shamelessly used these atrocities as a catalyst for their divisive legislation.
He had shamelessly used Addie during these weeks in jail, in solitary.
Ellie couldn't run as fast as she could, and Katie had shamelessly used that advantage to escape.
I will shamelessly use a very loose analogy.
On a related note, the manner in which the right and its ilk have shamelessly used this issue to further/highlight their own agenda, is vile.