Dragging ritual items like bitter herbs or the shank bone onto the Passover plate triggers clever clay animations that explain the significance of the items.
We were just as happy with the lamb osso buco, with a marrow spoon jutting out from inside a length of shank bone.
In the middle of the foreigner table lay a large shank bone, its blackened meat still smoking from the fire.
He was cursing like a fifth-generation ku14 the shank bone from last n* lit's dinner balanced on his shoulder.
When Cape turned to push her back, Pastor swung the shank bone and cracked open the fake general's skull.
Should you not be in possession of one, an apple scoop, she wrote, is the shank bone of a sheep, cut at a slant and filed smooth.
Osso buco ($4.95 a pound) is huge and meaty, the shank bone full of rich, buttery marrow.
People will come in and ask some question like, 'Can I have a shank bone for my plate?'
When roasted inside the shank bone instead of being poached separately, bone marrow sometimes takes on a slight nuttiness.
At the Seder, a fish bone will replace the traditional shank bone.