Drawing a deep breath, trying not to panic, Christy tightened her hold on the Mace can, and strained to identify shadowy shapes rendered spooky by darkness.
The extreme darkness of the stage, whose only light was received from the fire under the cauldron, joined to a kind of mist that floated about it, rendered the unearthly shapes of the witches obscure and shadowy.
"Syzygy," led with grace by Kate Johnson and its distorted shapes rendered expertly by Christopher Gillis, looks different in a new context.
Its unique shape additionally renders it very prone to breakage when combed or brushed.
The flat but beautifully balanced and colored shapes he rendered were poetic distillations rather than representations of the rocks, bays, hills, trees and houses of environments he knew.
Their extraordinary shape, geometry and age render them somehow alien constructions; they seem to rise out of the desert and pose the ever-fascinating question, 'How were we built, and why?'