A blackened shape was springing from the opposite corner, whirling straight for the thugs.
A blackish shape sprang from the rear of the cab and landed beside an "L" pillar.
Tippoo's monstrous shape sprang out of the darkness, huge, menacing, unbelievably close.
As they did so, lean grey shapes sprang on them and pulled them down.
But before the outlaw could begin his downward stroke a long shape sprang suddenly from the overhanging rocks.
A heavy, dark shape sprang onto her chest, driving the wind from her lungs.
A shape of light took form, sprang erect., and folded Xotli into a many-tentacled embrace.
At that sound the bent shape of the king sprang suddenly erect.
Suddenly dark shapes sprang from a side road.
No white shapes sprang through the hole in the wall.