And then the shapes from his nightmares streaked from the woods, growling and snarling.
A huge, white shape streaked from the far right of the lines, launched into the air, and sailed over the barricade with the grace of a swan in flight.
Much closer, more silver shapes streaked across the viewscreen as they raced around the Enterprise's hull.
A dark shape streaked past the windows of the lounge!
Another shape streaked in to grapple with her assailant.
Still the black shape was streaking toward him, licks of flame protruding from it.
A dark sinuous shape streaked away nearly underfoot to find refuge in Panon's woodpile; therehad been a ferret hiding there!
He watched as the sleek golden shape streaked away.
Suddenly, a loud buzzing of wings sounded above them, and a dark shape streaked downward.
There were shouts in the night and then a shape erupted from the darkness, streaked past Vimes, and disappeared into a tent.