The flames parted, and the shape of a mighty tornado swept between the two pillars.
A dark shape slid out on the moonlit water, curved with a beautiful line of froth and swept past the point out of sight.
Before Isaura could move, a dark shape swept past the fortress' top.
The tiny shape swept to the bridge, ascended it--dropped into the gap.
Darting low, the small shape swept from body to body, seeking one specific one.
Out of the west the slim shape swept, poking at them like an enormous pointing finger.
A few shapes still swept and hunted and played in the air around them.
A white shape swept over me like a rushing cloud, swirling this way and that.
A sleek, shark-nosed shape swept overhead, followed by another, two more, then an entire squadron.
They had not gone far before they felt once more the fear that had fallen on them when the winged shape swept over the marshes.