Along the track you'll notice curiously shaped mounds to your right which are the remnants of Bronze Age burial mounds and have stood here for 4,000 years.
Kame: Irregularly shaped mound.
It was a grotesquely shaped mound of ice more than a hundred feet long, stretching from north to south in a shallow curve.
The circular temples basically follow the shapes of the Buddhist stupas, the dome shaped mounds.
Each neighbourhood group builds tall, (three to six metres), conical shaped mounds that are decorated sparsely with balloons and tinsel.
Late Woodland stage mound building included the construction of effigy-(animal-) shaped mounds for the burial of the dead.
Dirt Jumping (DJ) is one of the names given to the practice of riding bikes over shaped mounds of dirt or soil and becoming airborne.
But what was that oddly shaped mound of black plaz in the corner?
On the site were some curiously shaped mounds which they later found to be tumuli of prehistoric age.
This turned out to be a lot like putting a mattress on a box spring - the carefully shaped mounds of lobster were hard to line up.