"We remain good friends and will share custody of our dogs."
Or they could share physical and legal custody, with the child moving back and forth between them.
Because they share custody of the children, she cannot obtain a restraining order.
But, like a child whose parents share custody, he would find toys in both homes.
They now share custody of their 3-year-old son Bronx.
He is divorced, and has shared custody of his teenage daughter.
And there's growing evidence that children do better when parents share custody.
He shares custody, but not his goal of half the time.
They will share custody of the two minor children.
He had remarried and was sharing custody of the three children from his first marriage.
They plan to continue skating together and share custody of their son.
They divorced in 2010 and share custody of their son, Ethan.
Parents may also agree share custody and agree to allow visitation without of going to court.
The couple divorced in 2008 and share custody of their children.
Although her parents are divorced, they live together, with her half-sister Kathy, and share custody.
After the initial post-relationship complications had been overcome, however, they have been generally able to get along, and share custody of their son, Ben.
The couple remain on friendly terms and share custody.
(They later divorced and share custody of a daughter, Daisy, 9.)
She breaks up with Richard, though they remain on good terms and share custody of the children.
They divorced in 2001 and share custody of their son James.