We treasure the many memories we share with wife and true partner Syril, adoring children, loving family, and a multitude of admiring and appreciative friends.
The bamboo network refers to a network of overseas Chinese businesses operating in the markets of Southeast Asia that share common family and cultural ties.
For 37 years we shared family and friends and we are so thankful to have had the gift of Toni.
I share neither name nor family with him.
The second important app is Circles, an improved way to share information with one's friends, family, contacts, and the public at large.
You invited us into your life to share your love, joy, good counsel and extraordinary family.
Each of the characters has a subtly different personality and motivation, while sharing a common name, appearance, and family.
The decision by the authorities in this central African nation has brought misery to the Zairians, many of whom share strong family and ethnic ties with their Congolese neighbors.
It is a great personal loss and I share it with his dear family, with the Government, the Israeli people and all those who love peace in this world.
Men and women sharing work and family: it's a lovely idea.