Evenings spent sitting around the table at Clubs's shop, sharing laughter with the crew.
They stilled abruptly, waited, then shared husky laughter at the thought of what could happen.
All the moments they had shared, laughter and sadness, defeat and achievement.
More than anything in life, Keaf wanted to be a part of the village, to have companions, to share laughter and raise a mug.
She wished they could share laughter, but he sounded too frustrated.
That too she had forgotten: what it was to share laughter with a kins- man.
His greatest joy is to share laughter and love with you, but you refuse to allow him that.
His actions excited the others, who shared laughter and encouragement, and made bets about how long the mortal would last.
She shared her smile and laughter with all who knew her.
It had been a very long time since Damien had shared laughter with anyone.