The Republicans controlled both chambers in 6 states this year, and the parties share legislative leadership in 14 states.
It also considers the path taken by schools that make the decision to federate and to share leadership in this way.
Faygar and Zora have a few arguments, but then decide to share leadership of the tribe.
People close to the Shubert board do say it is unlikely that the historical anomaly of two people equally sharing leadership will continue.
In many countries unions are tightly bonded, or even share leadership, with a political party intended to represent the interests of the working class.
The companies share leadership at the very top, with Mr. Slim the chairman and controlling shareholder of both.
The group members share leadership of the organization, with the position rotating just as the astrological zodiac changes.
From the beginning, and throughout their relationship, Grivas resented having to share leadership with the archbishop.
They share leadership with a man.
Eventually, Ferry and Louise agreed that their children despised each other so much that they would never be able to share leadership of the company.