It is a part of OpenSoul Project, which aims to be framework for sharing models between the metamodeling community members.
Once it gets in a decent range, I can only imagine how many take down notices will start flying at sites that share fan-created 3d models.
So far, companies have been sharing models and parts with one another, rather than merging, to cut costs.
As an added bonus, shared knowledge databases also share the same language and mental models, which are substitutes for the all important face-to-face time.
It is created through three stages: small talk, sharing mental models and norm building.
At the beginning of 1990 Diez was involved in the early car sharing models in German-speaking countries.
The team initially expected to share resources and models across the different projects.
The result should be vast improvement in videoconferencing and distance learning, as well as the ability to share sophisticated business simulations or three-dimensional models simultaneously, he said.
The CellML language grew from a need to share models of cardiac cell dynamics among researchers at a number of sites across the world.
In the period of 1510-17 he shared a studio with the painter Andrea del Sarto, with whom he shared models.