As a teenager he had been attracted to hear Paisley because he shared his evangelical religion.
These fundamentalist sects tend to aggregate in communities where they all commonly share their own specific religion and thus basis for polygamy.
Other Slav peoples tended to look to her, especially if they shared her Orthodox religion.
Another of Morley's bunch who didn't share his boss's religion.
"Don't use this as an opportunity to pick on someone who doesn't look like you or who doesn't share your religion," he said.
Her mother said Tamekia wanted to share her husband's religion.
"My superiors may not share your religion, Sword Simonds, but we respect your beliefs."
You can find people who share your religion.
And she shared their religion, although the militants considered her too independent to be a Muslim woman except in name.
Although I do not share your religion, you are a fellow human being and every one of these is precious to me.