The shares opened at 76p and quickly soared to 96p before settling back to 81p.
Philippine shares, which rose to near 5-month highs on Tuesday, opened 0.5 percent down.
The shares opened the next day at $16.10, as public investors sent in sell orders.
Because the shares opened at $52, many investors who bought in the first hour of trading lost money on the stock.
Although Olympic's shares opened at $15.50, within weeks, they sank to $8.
AOL's shares opened trading in 2000 at $76, more than double their current level.
Finally, on the second day, the shares opened at 1.6 million yen.
The shares opened at $10.75, 17% below expectations, but climbed to $11.125 by the close of trading.
The shares opened at $63.62 and slipped to $61 within the first hour.
The shares opened at $300, and closed at $242.375 in Nasdaq trading.