Insurance companies share medical-history reports maintained in central data banks.
The research societies also share information and reports on the quirkier aspect of U.F.O.'s, like alien abductions.
When the teams shared medical reports, the Mariners determined that Adams' ankle was broken, not sprained.
When the teams shared medical reports, the Mariners were concerned by Adams' health.
Technical personnel from the government bodies represented in the coalition will form subcommittees to share reports and to study a number of regional issues.
The AFLC schedules each year a conference to share reports of congregations and other various ministries.
Bitzi is a website where volunteers share reports about any kind of digital file, with identifying metadata, commentary, and other ratings.
She wants companies to shed their reluctance to share reports of problems with safety regulators.
In 1846, five New York newspapers united to share incoming reports from the Mexican-American War.
Accounting firms are now required to share with regulators their working papers and other reports prepared for bank management and to report any change in auditors.