This selection of landscapes, portraits and interiors shows a shared affinity for sophisticated color, formal abbreviation of the observed world and pungent brushwork.
While there he became best friends with Andrew Sullivan, based on a shared affinity for right-wing politics and punk music.
Another meaning is a sub grouping of officials with shared affinities or ethnicities who convene, often but not always to advocate, agitate, lobby or to vote collectively, on policy.
And for years now, television shows like "Gilmore Girls" and movies like "What a Girl Wants" have reflected this truth of shared affinity.
Laton let the glimmer image of a smile penetrate their shared affinity.
Asmat may be thought of as an umbrella term for twelve different ethnic sub-groups with shared linguistic and cultural affinities and sense of shared identity.
In the article, he noted their and Goldsworthy's shared affinity for contemporary R&B, which suggests a possible shift in direction on the new album.
According to her, they had a shared affinity for Japan and Japanese culture and became best friends almost instantly because of their mutual willingness to explore it.
The break-up of the supercontinent of Gondwana left the resulting continents and microcontinents with shared biological affinities.
Spending the evening together dancing, walking the busy streets, and talking in a diner, Clara and Marty discover many shared affinities.