That would change if the new tunnel were part of a project that took commuters to Grand Central Terminal through a shared arrangement with the Long Island Rail Road to use the lower tracks.
The shared arrangement was ordered by a "custodial mediator" who oversees impasses in Boulder County Court.
This shared arrangement reduces CPU performance by up to 35%.
The shared arrangement has produced breakthroughs in areas like superconductivity and nuclear fusion and has helped medical advances against cancer and AIDS.
Fire protection services are provided by Central York Fire Services, a shared arrangement with the town of Newmarket.
MacLoughlin's truck was commandeered for army use during the outbreak of war and as a result, he was forced to sell his property and enter into a shared cropping arrangement with another farmer.
Er.... the troika are the IMF, the EU and the ECB and NOT three individuals with shared sleeping arrangements in one particular hotel.
The Law of Consecration and the United Order can be compared to the shared economic arrangement presented in the New Testament as practiced by 1st century Christians in Jerusalem.
Because of the shared arrangement, and the participation of USC in a number of Rose Bowl games, both schools have winning records in each other's home stadium.
Who is going to pay for the change to biometric passports: the state, the individual or a shared arrangement?