Tonight's gathering, he went on, was to acknowledge "a sense of community and a sense of shared pride and getting ready for the hard work ahead."
And then, the recipient can continue in his or her work with a feeling that all Americans are sharing in the award, that this is truly a case of shared national pride.
The Steeds had known the Latimers for more than a hundred years and they had watched with shared pride as young Hugh progressed up the various rungs of the church.
It was a shared pride that in the Birmingham of the 50's this astonishing person had inhabited our home and had been allowed to be fully herself.
There is a shared pride for the fame and attention she has brought to the dale.
But their lives were woven together by marriage and culture, work, a common language and a shared pride in a place that then they all called home.
Sharing and Differing But despite a shared pride in their unit, the men are far from unanimous about their mission here.
If anything, West Virginians display a shared pride at the senator's annual helpings from the federal pork barrel.
The benefits they believe that can be gained include enjoyment and achievement from taking part and the shared pride that is created from national success.
For that, I believe, we can feel a real and genuine sense of shared pride.