Large shareholders, particularly venture capitalists, may demand board representation in return for investment.
We acted with urgency because that is what our customers and shareholders rightfully demanded of us.
If it does not, shareholders holding 10 percent of the shares can demand a meeting to elect directors.
Vocal shareholders demand a change in management to turn the company around.
They have to do run their business to please shareholders, because shareholders own the company and can demand management change if need be.
And by doing so, they have done what shareholders have demanded for a generation: linked management's interests to investors'.
In most cases, he said, sponsors quickly cooperate when shareholders demand control.
Once the company has sold off enough operations to buy it more time, shareholders may demand new management.
Outside the company, some shareholders are demanding a much shorter leash.
With public shareholders constantly demanding profit growth, "what is the incentive to invest beyond the next quarter?"