Several shareholders sharply assailed the company's administration and questioned executives on how they could have failed to notice so large an operation.
It is by no means certain how aggressively shareholders will question Eric Molson and his fellow directors on these issues Tuesday.
Now some shareholders are questioning the salary of its chief executive, Terry S. Semel.
Many big shareholders, angered by the deal's provisions, questioned the actions of the Borden board.
Some shareholders questioned the companies' description of the deal, given that Halifax is so much larger.
When shareholders question lush pay, they are invariably met with a laundry list of reasons that businesses use to justify such packages.
But some shareholders have questioned whether the late arrival of their proxies was accidental or was orchestrated by management.
Some large shareholders of Affiliated have questioned the deal.
But some shareholders and analysts questioned the need for the Zell infusion now that Mitsubishi appeared prepared to give up control.
And some institutional shareholders and a government watchdog group have questioned decisions he has made as a member of these boards.