Lanyan paced around the images like a shark cruising through a school of fish.
Captivated by their precisely timed choreography, it was only by accident that I looked beyond to a shark cruising by in the distance.
It looked like a red-and-white shark cruising against the blue sky.
And that meant death with the sharks cruising by, jaws gaping.
I closed the door and Hawk slid the car out of the parking lot, soundless and smooth, like a shark cruising in still water.
Franny and I saw the squad car come into Elliot Park-like a shark cruising forsaken waters for an unlikely meal.
Yet the juvenile shark cruising in the subtropics knew no natural enemies and felt no fear.
Wendy was still following at the same frantic pace, but Marissa could also see the colossal shark cruising behind her.
Like a shark cruising cold currents in a night sea, the killer drives.
The sight of one of those black sharks cruising at high speed with their curtains drawn inhibited spontaneous behaviour.