When a sushi bar buys a root, the wasabi is grated to order in small quantities on a traditional grater of rough shark skin.
It was usually of wood or metal, and often covered with shagreen leather or shark skin.
It is made with a material that was designed to mimic shark skin.
In the past they've used shark skin and turkey feet to adorn human footwear.
Small spikes (enlarged versions of the dermal denticles commonly covering shark skin) covered this crest, and the shark's head as well.
Or it can be the pahu, the ancient Tahitian standing drum covered with a shark skin and struck by the hands or with sticks.
The inspiration of the build of the texture of the coating was made by observing shark skin under microscope.
After a while, a couple of pieces of shark skin floated up.
Shark skin: the surface of shark skin is covered with tiny 'teeth' or dermal denticles.
For preparing wasabi and yamaimo, graters with the surface made from shark skin were exclusively used.