They say that older players shouldn't meet sharp challenges this way, but he is forever young, win or lose.
However secular its system, it still has had sharp challenges in recent years from resurgent Islamism.
He was about to rise from his chair when he heard a sharp challenge from the other end of the room.
But, just before they reached their own line, a sharp challenge rang out: "Halt!
But he now faces the sharpest challenge of all the Reagan era nominees.
He was almost beginning to believe they would not be accosted when he heard the sharp challenge.
His poem ends with a sharp challenge to Americans to express themselves with conviction.
A sharp challenge told that the bus driver had noticed the discrepancy.
There was a sharp challenge from a screen of bush; then a woman came into the open to face us.
He heard the sharp challenge, the mumbled answer, the sudden commotion.