Both of the last two recessions - in 1990-91 and in 2001 - began more than a year after energy prices started a sharp climb.
Of course, many investors say that given gold's sharp recent climb, a correction would not be surprising.
The agency forecast an even sharper 28.3 percent climb in 2003, to 7.54 trillion won ($6.4 billion).
Next his chair tipped upwards at the front and he was in a sharp climb.
And it's a welcome pit stop after the short but sharp climb up the hill.
Stock prices fell a bit, hurt again by the weak dollar and sharp climb in interest rates.
The flight data recorder showed a sharp climb back to 3,200 feet.
The sharp climb in oil issues has served to dim their attraction somewhat.
During the 2004-2006 period Perth also witnessed a sharp climb in real estate prices and demand.
The sharp climb is viewed with skepticism by a few analysts, however.