He struggled up and on, finally pulling out on an expanse of rock ledge below a sharp crest.
They went over a sharp crest, and Corbell's stomach dropped away.
The snowcapped mountains surrounding the city appeared to be close enough that one could run his fingertip across the sharp crests.
Catti-brie fell again and rolled over a sharp crest of stone.
Above their sharp crests what little light was left in the sky came from between heavy threatening clouds.
Blade pulled himself over the sharp crest and lay flat behind it, looking back the way he'd come.
Crouching on its sharp crest, he stared out over the waste.
Shading his eyes, he looked to the west, up toward the long, sharp crest that lay black against the sky.
The waves change from regular undulations to sharp crests separated by long flat troughs.
There was something about the moment and the intimacy of the setting that was driving Merrill to a sharp crest of awareness.