After a series of sharp encounters with the Bhutanese forces, the British captured the capital (1772) and moved forward into southern Bhutan.
It was a sharp encounter, but short.
Lord Clarendon terms it a sharp encounter very bravely fought with the general's whole strength".
The riding was superb, and as planned, after a sharp encounter the soldiers sent the Indians scampering across the prairie.
The female was Ynvic, and Ruth remembered the sharp encounter with the shipsurgeon.
When the summons came, she went to the encounter, blade- sharp, and hard as stone.
They had had some sharp encounters with the Rajputs in which they had been severely handled and taught to respect their new enemy.
It was easy to understand that, off and on, there must have been many a sharp encounter between him and old Sandy.
It's a sharp, clever encounter, overturning all manner of genre cliches and viewer expectations.
He loved and enjoyed the sharp encounter of harmless wit.