Sebastian laughed, a sharp exhalation of bitterness that surprised her.
Denzil stopped with a sharp exhalation, still staring into the flames.
"Oh," Sharur said, the word a sharp exhalation, as if he had been punched in the stomach.
With a sharp exhalation of breath, she blew out the candle on the stand beside the bed.
Each lift was accompanied by a sharp exhalation, like the quick, short stroke of a piston.
With a crack like a sharp exhalation, the glass shattered under Lily's hand.
After holding this position for a moment, the arms are extended laterally again, with a sharp exhalation.
This movement of the arm from back to front is accompanied by the whistlelike sound of a sharp exhalation.
And that would only be the beginning The fire faded from his look, and she let out her breath with a sharp exhalation.
With a sharp exhalation of breath he relaxed.