Several sharp flakes of rock caught his eye.
He stood tall, hands full of sharp flakes, a small trickle of blood oozing from one finger.
Beyond the restaurant's high windows, sharp tiny flakes, the kind that stuck, swirled dizzily on the air, caught in the light of the streetlamps.
It was fast growing dark, and the wind was carrying sharp flakes of ice in its teeth.
He handed her the scraper and one of the wide sharp flakes that were removed in the process of making the hand-axe.
Small, sharp flakes hurled down from heaven on a frigid, unforgiving wind.
A snow squall blew down on us, sharp little sandy flakes that stung.
Herilak found stones that would chip correctly and hammered off small, sharp flakes.
The rock is gritty with sharp flakes of mica.
Opportunistic use occurs when a sharp flake is used as-is, without edge-modification.