A sharp flint would make a gash very like a knife.
Knowing that Racer was more excitable, she his rope first, and with only a little effort the sharp flint hi through.
Pelops, much to Blade's surprise, fumbled about the lake edge until he found some sharp flints.
Flintcomb-Ash farm is precisely what its name describes: a wasteland of hard, sharp flint and dead ash.
When the snake had come from the earth, she had stayed by him, and taken a sharp flint in her grasp, perhaps to defend him.
Inspired by the thought, Silk knelt himself, though the sharp flints of the hilltop gouged his knees.
Not only is the field littered with broken glass,' he explained patiently, 'but sharp flints, rocks and goodness knows what else.
No, now he was armed with substantially more than a rude club of a broken branch and a shard of sharp flint.
With their knife - a sharp flint - I cut a likely stick and made a fishing spear like the one that He-pen-sheep's son had used.
The sharp flints of her teeth were only the slightest nips in the midst of steady, unrelaxing pressure and abundant flow.