The fug of traffic smothered its sharp, spicy fragrance, the soil was clogged and sour, the plants sullen.
It had odd lavender flowers, and it gave off a sharp fragrance as she touched it.
Guava fruit generally have a pronounced and typical fragrance, similar to lemon rind but less sharp.
It was a fragrance like no other, so sharp and clean they could hardly draw enough of it.
The sharp fragrance of roasted fowl came to his nostrils.
Sansa chose a sharp sweet fragrance with a hint of lemon in it under the smell of flowers.
I caught the drop of sap on my finger and inhaled a sharp, sweet fragrance; then I put it to my tongue.
But then, if you find yourself unwittingly buying your beloved a sharp, bitter fragrance which doesn't last, you might want to make a break yourself.
He smelled the sharp fragrance of the fire they had lit in the interior of the shelter, within the stone hearth.
Down a path, a faint sharp fragrance falls from yellow flowers that run along the branches of witchhazel and benzoin.