The south peak is a sharp pinnacle of black shale.
There was the sharp pinnacle of granite still cutting the lower edge of the moon, but its peak bore no trace of that silent and motionless figure.
On the left sharp jagged pinnacles full of black crevices.
On their left sharp jagged pinnacles stood up like towers carved by the biting years, and between them were many dark crevices and clefts.
Ahead of him and on the skyline, a sharp pinnacle pointed at the sky.
North Wind seized Diamond, and with a single bound lighted on one of them - a huge thing, with sharp pinnacles and great clefts.
The Hotel Buckingham was a thirty storey pentagon ribbed with balconies, and sending sharp pinnacles soaring up out of each corner.
And some others were set under the rest- less waves of seas, sharp pinnacles, as red as the precious coral he had seen shown by merchants from the southern lands.
It towered in the distance, its four sharp pinnacles outlined against a grey sky.
The outline of an abrupt rise ahead showed such sharp pinnacles, such knife-edged clefts as Sander had never sighted before.