They came out of the crack on a cliff-like ledge where the shaft reopened and took a sharp plunge back downward.
A1 Stock prices plummeted from new records amid a sharp plunge in the dollar and falling bond prices.
Then, in the middle weeks of December, Baldwin's reputation took the sharpest plunge, to its lowest point, of his whole active career.
It was the sharpest monthly plunge since July 1991, when increases were 23 percent below the figure a year earlier.
He believes a sharp plunge in prices will come.
Despite its sharp plunge in August and September, the Dow average is now up nearly 14 percent this year.
Egypt has been hurt by last year's sharp plunge in oil prices and faces such long-term problems as feeding a population of 50 million.
Markets The dollar's sharp plunge sent stock prices plummeting.
As a result, people without other sources of retirement income would experience a sharp plunge in their living standards as soon as they stopped working.
Then he drew a sharp plunge from 1993, after his dismissal.