The sharp sell-off in the stock market last October moved fund managers to include gold in their portfolios.
When sharp sell-offs did come, as in the early 1960's and mid-70's, they were drawn out over days or weeks.
After a sharp early sell-off, the United States stock markets failed to recover.
Gold has already seen a sharp sell-off this year, in September.
These program trades can accelerate movements in the market, but seldom are the main, original cause for a rally or a sharp sell-off.
Those concerns persisted yesterday amid a sharp sell-off in stock markets around the world.
The statement led to a sharp sell-off in the stocks of biotechnology companies, which hope to profit by creating drugs based on genetic data.
The uncertainty fueled a sharp sell-off in the company's stock.
European equity markets are forecast to open flat following yesterday's sharp sell-off.
Some other issues recommended by the Drexel analyst also have experienced sharp sell-offs.