The ground trembled again, and a crystal crashed down from the cave's ceiling like a glass knife, sending sharp slivers flying.
A sharp sliver stuck from it, flung by the whistling air.
It was good protection; flint could shatter into very sharp slivers.
A long sharp sliver of some translucent material protruded grotesquely from her gorgeous robe.
He was still trying to figure it out when he spotted sharp slivers of silver moving erratically up ahead.
I didn't see a single sharp sliver of stone.
The spikes were pointed sharp slivers of hard wood, which were placed all around the frame and fixed to it.
It came down on a sharp sliver of window-glass and black fluid burst from its body in thick ropes.
But as dawn approached and the sharp sliver of moon began to fade, the people along the shoreline grew quieter.
Another pain, a little sharp sliver that he'd borne since the challenge and almost forgotten in the weight of the other.