Battlements are lined with sharp spires of Columbia River basalt.
The shell is turriculated and fusiform with a long, sharp spire.
In an eyeblink he felt the sharp spire of wood rip through him and into Palmeri.
A modern church, an A-frame with a sharp, nasty spire, was lit by the edges of the lone amber light.
And then a scenic sprawl, the sharp city-like spires and minarets of an industrial installation.
Below the floor was a pit of seemingly boiling lava from which thin, sharp spires of rock reached upward.
There were pigeons in the nickeled light, fluttering about the sharp spires.
The wings on the starboard side flicked past the sharp spires with scant feet to spare.
Around a turn, the sharp spire that was Black Stone Peak jutted into view, blotting out an area of stars.
The sharp spire of the finial on the end of the dormer roof was like a black dagger against the grey sky.