The plan has resulted in a sharp financial turnabout.
Mr. Pataki is not the only one making a sharp turnabout.
This was a sharp turnabout from the beginning of the week, when the market was battered for consecutive days.
The findings represent a sharp turnabout over the last two years in how New Yorkers view their city and their own lives within its boundaries.
The retreat from public view is a sharp turnabout for the Zapatistas, a guerrilla group that has always emphasized political over military combat.
Three made sharp, quick turnabouts in the center of the street and rolled toward the opposite end of the block.
But barring a sharp turnabout by Japan, a climate treaty with binding emissions reductions is unlikely to be one of them.
The doctor's ascendance is indicative of the region's sharp turnabout from a decade ago.
That is a sharp turnabout from the attitudes that prevailed in late 1990, when investors seemed to value safety above all else.