On a recent afternoon, the soft sound of sprinklers was cut by sharp volleys of gunfire.
A sharp, deadly volley crashed out, and half the Guardsmen went down.
As the Federals fell upon the Rangers, they were met with a sharp volley of pistol fire from the partially mounted Confederates.
After a sharp, short volley, it became a U.S. strongpointrather than a Confederate one.
Three sharp volleys and the French lines were broken.
Ms. Seles won in straight sets, and finished with a sharp volley for a winner.
On the second he followed a drive with a sharp volley that Wilander returned out.
Forays to the net had produced more of the same: aggravation and exhaustion as the sharpest angled volley would merely melt into the court.
Players calmly pass their verbal strokes back and forth with occasional sharp volleys.
The honor guard snapped to attention and three sharp volleys shattered the quiet on the hillside.