He was a slight, sharp-featured man who looked as though he'd aged a decade since Daniel saw him a week and a half ago.
A grey-haired, sharp-featured old man was peering at me through a pair of spectacles - the first I had ever seen in real life.
Mathis was a sharp-featured man of fifty or so with lean jaws and a permanent frown.
Presently a slim, sharp-featured man emerged from a door to the kitchen and went directly to Chris.
The other was a tall, sharp-featured man whose presence Hydon regarded as an honor.
This could be supplied by a carter-a cleanshaven, sharp-featured man with white hair.
"We don't say anything that hurts anyone," said the tall, sharp-featured man who would give only his first name, Henk.
"I'm near death," the small, sharp-featured man said, cringing deeper into the bunk.
Look at the barouche, with the sharp-featured man peeping out of the window.
At the front doors of the Capitol they walked full into a pale, sharp-featured man.