In the Stone Age, people used sharpened bone, flintknapped stones, flakes, and chips of rock as weapons and tools.
Arthur dragged himself to his feet, his skin clinging to his sharpened bones until his face resembled a death mask.
On the altar lay a long, curved knife made of sharpened bone.
When she got a close look at it, Nova realized it was made of sharpened bone, intricately carved in the Titanide manner.
Spears of every description were flung at the trapped beasts, flint-tipped, sharpened bone or ivory-tipped, long and short.
Their lower lip is perforated with a sharpened bone, and then a wooden labret is introduced.
Chariots were rattling across the killing ground, jammed with riders waving spears of sharpened bone.
They were fixed into grooves along one or both edges of a sharpened bone or antler point.
Are they still enormous, or do they now use nothing more complex than a spear made from a sharpened bone?
There were edible stalks to peel, grain heads to thresh, a few seed pods to open with a sharpened bone.