This visit contrasted with Mr. Koizumi's visit to China, where political expression is sharply constrained and official criticisms took place behind closed doors.
Fatima Mernissi, a Moroccan sociologist, has described a deeply embedded Islamic conception of woman as a sexually active and dangerous force that threatens chaos unless sharply constrained.
Because of its chemical makeup, the protein was sharply constrained in the possible ways it could fold.
The Festival was sharply constrained by the density of information that could be crammed into the tiny starwisps that carried it across the interstellar gulf.
The move, which has already received regulatory approval, will turn Pew into an $3.9 billion organization capable of raising money, lobbying and other activities that are either prohibited or sharply constrained for private foundations.
Would submarine missiles, a Lockheed specialty, be sharply constrained, and would strategic bombers, like the Stealth aircraft being built by Northrop, be unhindered?
After the Seven Year War, Japanese access to the country was sharply constrained, and such incidents ceased to occur.
Budget Constraints The likely long-range goals that can be proposed by the space agency will be sharply constrained by budgetary considerations.
Analysts also say his muscular political style has made him unusually influential for a Mississippi governor, whose powers are sharply constrained by the State Constitution.
After six years in which the growth of these programs was sharply constrained, Congress is considering a few increases.