The reasons for the increase were sharply contested today.
"Many of the state's proofs were indisputable, although their significance was sharply contested."
There are, at the moment, two lie-detection technologies that rely on neuroimaging, although the value and accuracy of both are sharply contested.
Mrs. Lowey's budget, which does not include television ads, is $1.25 million, but $500,000 went into a sharply contested three-way primary.
The measure has been sharply contested by some Assembly Democrats who are concerned about the civil liberties ramifications of testing suspects prior to conviction.
The traditional interpretation is sharply contested by scholars known as revisionists.
But what the end of welfare means in practice for the startlingly diverse veterans of the rolls remains unclear and sharply contested.
Perhaps not surprisingly, this theory remains sharply contested by many biologists, and the evidence in favor of it is sketchy at best.
This action, although of short duration, was so closely and sharply contested, that the loss on both sides was nearly one third, killed and wounded.
Only UNIP members were permitted to run, but these seats were sharply contested.